
Comparing Shakespeare's Macbeth And The Roman Polanski 1971 Version

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In my personal opinion, I believe that the Roman Polanski 1971 version of the Macbeth opening is the best scene out of the three given to us. My first reason for this is because the 1971 version follows the dark plot the most. The 2006 version is weird and makes no sense to the story as the “witches” just vandalize an entire cemetery and do not set a dark tone like the play. The 2010 version is a bit darker, but the acting is stale and the fact they pull the heart out of their victim is ludicrous. The 1971 version begins immediately with the witches performing a ritual after burying a severed hand and putting a knife in it before covering it with sand, pouring blood on the ground and citing a spell. This accurately shows us that these are witches. This opening has a spell that is being performed instead of vandalizing or straight up killing a human. …show more content…

The witches in each version are quite different in appearance. However, I feel that the old, hideous witches in the 1971 version fit the role of what Shakespeare set out to get across in the original play. On average, we imagine witches as old, weirdly-spoken, seemingly frail, magical beings as shown in the 1971 version. The witches in the 2006 interpretation do not fit the role their young appearance goes against what we would imagine and while the 2010 adaptation tries to find the middle ground of these two extremes, the witches, being young and not too well aged, I still feel like the 1971 version most suits the intent of the original

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