Comparing The Concepts Of Death, Disease, And Family

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Death and disease weigh heavy on the human mind and bod whether it happens to one first hand to to those that they are close to, they are always difficult parts of life that every person must accept at some point in life. Death, disease,and family these will be the main concepts I will be covering throughout this paper analyzing how they affect not only the person experiencing the sickness and face of death but as well as the people close to them while comparing it to the novel “The Bright Hour” by Nina. Family is simple, we as humans understand family before we are even born while in our mother’s womb and having her as a constant life source that you can always rely on. Family and friends are the support beams we all need in life while going …show more content…

As we go though the definition of health as discussed in lectures we know that it does not just consist of the physical state of having sickness or not. Mental and social well being are part of one’s overall health aswell, yet, once the addition of disease is introduced into the norm of everyday life it has a way of entangling itself in both the mental and social health of those involved. While chronic disease are curses to people's lives, they do not necessarily have destroy the emobindent of a person's quality of life. Although certain specific diseases will and do cause major hardships in people’s lives such as; the physical changes from the disease itself, sides effects of treatment like chemo, the stigma surrounding the idea of the ill and many other reasons (lecture notes, Longevity Health and Functioning, slide 11) yet one doesn't have to suffer alone. Family has a way of becoming stronger when disease is introduced into life because it brings out the true, raw emotions of people and in that time the only thing that matters is each other. In many cases, like Nina’s, disease leads to the one thing every person fears the most; death. Death can defined numerous ways; An event, state of being, a mystery, a reward or punishment but one thing that is for certain death is permanent, death is the end. This is hard to accept especially when death comes too soon and for the wrong person, but eventually you must accept it. For those dying, having to learn to accept their death much like Nina can be hard but it can be done. Once the first reaction of shock and disbelief wear off death anxiety can set in which Nina does experience but quickly moves past it once she thinks of her children. No longer is she worried about her death, her only concern was for her children and hot to tell them that their mother is dying. Thats human