
Comparing The Film 'Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close'

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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a film that was nominated in 2012 for best picture, and best supporting actor. This film tells an unraveling story of a young boy named, Oskar Schell and his journey after the September 11th terrorist attacks, which caused the death of his father. Oskar is an eleven-year-old New Yorker who is very inventive and discovers a key in his deceased father’s belongings. Oskar believes that perhaps this key was intentionally placed as the last mystery his father left for him to solve. This key provides him the courage to take steps he never would have taken otherwise and embark on the “reconnaissance expedition”. This expedition would have him traveling through five New York boroughs as he attempts to understand his new reality. We watch as Oskar reflects and …show more content…

It doesn’t matter if this means obtaining a great career, money, love, family, faith, or anything that comes to mind, we all are in search of something. The film, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, suggests many key points to living a meaningful life, such as, love and empathy, facing your fears, never losing a sense of imagination and much more. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is an extra special film because it is through the eyes of a young boy and not an adult. Through Oskar’s journey we are able to see the first and most important message, which is to love and be empathetic to those around you. We are all walking a journey and that journey can be difficult and challenging. It is okay to feel and appreciate those feelings for what they are. Every single person can be better about not judging a person by his or her exterior. We need to love and appreciate all the roles we have in this life. Having the ability to be a safe space place for others to express and feel their own emotions completely and to be able to understand their experience without judgment is truly a remarkable

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