Comparing The Friar Lawrence In 'The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet'

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What happened in the play “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” was definitely a tragedy, for good reason. But whos fault was this tragedy, it was none other than Friar Lawrence. The Friar? How could it be him? He was only doing his job and trying to help Juliet. The Friar is not as innocent as he seems.

Why would the Friar ever want want events took place to happen? He didint, the Friar is obviously not great at problem solving. But why, it is because the Friar is old. The Friar could be suffering from illness of old age that are common for people to have. Back in the late 16th century they bareilly had doctors if you want to call it that. People back then wouldn't know about theses illnesses because they did not have the technology they needed. Maybe the Friar is growing desperate to do what a Friar dies best knowing that hes is getting old and soon will not be able to do his job. “Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution as that is desperate which we would prevent” (William Shakespeare 453). The Friar makes a decision that only a desperate person would make. …show more content…

Isn't she the one with the dramatic attitude? Yes but you have to think, where would Juliet be without the Friars assistants? The Friar is the one that set up Juliet. Without the Friar Juliet could not accomplish what she did, therefor the Friar is the one to