Comparing The Holocaust And The Armenian Genocide

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The Armenians were a group of people who lived in Eurasia for around three thousand years. Armenia became a part of the Ottoman Empire during the fifteenth century. Armenia became the first nation to make christianity their official religion (“Armenian Genocide”). Jews are ancient people who lived in Europe for around two thousand years. They were forced to leave Israel in 70 AD by the Romans after the fall of the second temple. The jews had a monotheistic religion, much like the christians, only supporting one God. (“The Jewish”). Although the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust were similar because many people were killed, the difference is that Hitler mainly targeted Jews and the Turks targeted the Armenians. The Young turks were a group …show more content…

Many men were executed. Women were raped. People were even put into gas chambers. Some were put into caves or churches and burned alive (Atamian, pg 23-26). Still to this day, the Turkish government denies that the Armenian Genocide ever occurred. They tell people it was all just a figment of imagination. Much like a fictional story. Younger turkish children are taught in school that the Turks and the Armenians lived happily together (Atamian, pg 23-26). The Holocaust began January 30, 1933. The Holocaust was the killing of six million Jews by the Nazis (“Introduction To”). Much like the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust also occurred during World War 1 (“The Armenian”). The Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933. Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust. Even though they made most of the Holocaust up, other victims included Gypsies (“Introduction To”). The victims of the Holocaust also had to march to concentration camps where many died. Two concentration camps were Auschwitz and Buna. At these camps, babies were burned (Wiesel). These marches to the concentration camps killed about 1.5 million people (“The Armenian”). Many people either died from starvation or diseases (“Introduction To”). Many diseases included Dysentery, Typhoid, Pellagra, and many more (“Diseases”). The Holocaust finally ended on May 8,