
Comparing The Love And Pride Of Wheaton Warrenville South High School

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“Semper Tigris” is the proud motto of each and every tiger in the Wheaton and Warrenville communities. As any former student of Wheaton Warrenville South High School will explain, there is no prouder title than that of a tiger. Once a tiger always a tiger, means that not only will students hold the beloved school, classmates, and teachers close to their hearts, they will carry on the morals and values they learned and supported throughout their four years at this school into their lives after leaving. Going into freshman year, the love and pride of the Wheaton Warrenville South name seems overwhelming and somewhat confusing. However, as the students journey through the next four years of their lives, the reasoning becomes blatantly obvious. From day one, before school has started and the students are still eighth graders exploring …show more content…

Simply look to the signs above each of the main hallways: Scholarship, Commitment, Tradition, and Integrity. These are traditions, symbols, and defining words of a school so filled with pride for their past, present, and future. These are not simply words, but morals and values to live by. These are what it means to be a tiger. Each hallway represents a trait or value considered significant in the definition of what it truly means to be a tiger and represents the core values of the school. To have scholarship is to be a scholar. Therefore, students are encouraged and expected to hold their education as a top priority. The scholarship hallway reminds students that the importance of education is not in the grades they receive, but in the effort they exert into their work and what they ultimately learn. To demonstrate commitment,

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