Comparing The Orphanage And The Yellow Wallpaper

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Throughout stories we can learn how others deal with certain situations. There’s many issues that the viewer usually is interested in and likes to learn about. Hero stories show practices of how the superhero is someone who is bold, brave, and in the end saves the woman trapped in a horrific danger. Romance shows how two different people come together fighting through struggles bonded by love. Some modern day tragedies show struggles of landing a career and getting their life in order. Horror helps practice on how to deal with the dangers of the unknown, the ones who are deadly, the monsters under the bed, the scary stranger who follows around when walking home. Horror teaches us how to quickly react in certain situations of thrilling terror, …show more content…

The film and story has showed that women are always shown to be the ones who go through all the problems, and have to deal with the other telling them that they’re going to be ok if they just lay down or take meds. Binary oppositions play as gender roles in both stories because the man always belittles the woman. The female is always the problem and reason of the main problem in mostly any story. Usually the male figure just tells the female that she must be depressed so they should lay down in bed and wait till it goes away. Males have always seemed to be the tougher person and the one that holds power over women, but now most relations are equal while some are still old fashioned. The Narrator from The Yellow Wallpaper tries to do the best she can to please her husband and fulfil her role to be the perfect wife, but she isn’t able to balance out her husband’s needs. Towards the end she starts to forget the desire she once had to become the perfect wife and mother and starts to think of ways she can release the imprisoned woman that is trapped from behind the yellow wallpaper. I can see the connection that the woman trapped in the yellow wallpaper can be her trying to get out of the position she’s in, sometimes the color yellow signifies being sick or very much ill. With the narrator tearing the paper apart wanting the sickness …show more content…

It’s possible that a female can lose her baby giving birth or while it’s growing up the child could have a horrific death that causes trauma on the mother. In the yellow wallpaper it can be suggested that the narrator can possibly be the woman trapped behind the wall paper trying to find her way out of the concealment she's been hidden behind. "The Yellow Wallpaper reveals instead of the narrator freeing the woman in the wallpaper she becomes the woman in the wallpaper, crawling around the room tied by her own rope.” (Nadkarni) Another perspective was at the end of the yellow wallpaper the tone changes as if the lady trapped behind the paper was awaiting to be set free from the main narrator. In one scene of the orphanage laura recreates her childhood by setting up multiple beds and playing a knock knock game to bring back the children who were murdered. That sets in motion the game that had to be played for laura to find her son simeon. (Bayona) Some people recreated memories they most cherish so it feels as if they are reliving that moment in time when they were once