Comparing The Stories 'Old Ben And Fox Hunt'

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In the stories “Old Ben” by Jesse Stuart and “Fox Hunt” by Lensey Namioka, literary elements of foreshadowing and flashback are used. “Old Ben” is about an unlikely friendship between a boy and a pet snake. “Fox Hunt” is about a spirit fox that helps a boy pass a PSAT test. In the stories “Old Ben” and “Fox Hunt” there are similarities and differences in how the authors use flashback and foreshadowing. The authors use foreshadowing to build suspense in both of the stories. In the story “Old Ben” Pa said “The only good snake, is a dead snake.” In the story “Fox Hunt” the similarity of suspense is when Leona Hu appears suddenly. The authors use flashback differently in both of the stories. The flashback in “Fox Hunt” is a spirit fox that helps