Comparing Three Characters In Elie Wiesel's 'Harry Potter'

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To undertake a mission is to set a goal and to try to reach this goal, while doing many things to reach it. Doing this can be very dangerous, and can be very risky to attempt. Even though people know what undertaking a mission is, people don't understand why they undertake missions, knowing the very dangerous risks. For instance, Farah Ahmedi fled the border of Pakistan and was forced to climb a mountain while being disabled to reach freedom from a war-torn city. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi chose to fight two cobras who were bigger than him, and an even deadlier snake that was small but had a deadly bite, just to protect his new family. Harry Potter was forced to endure many hardships of death and still needed to face the killer of his loved ones, who was known as the embodiment of evil. These three individuals had to endure many hardships to reach their goal. …show more content…

Many things motivate people to undertake a mission, from Ahmedi for her freedom to protect her remaining family, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi supporting and protecting his new loving family, to Potter and his many hardships of death, the fact of completing a difficult task drives people to undertake a