Introduction This paper will be on the vignette about Disco Diana Miller, also known as Disco Di, is an adult who has been dealing with psychological problems throughout her life. She has recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder after her last hospitalization due to a suicide attempt. Currently, she lives with both her parents in Toronto and is undergoing long-term treatment. Diana states that the problems started at the age of twelve, specifically after her sister passed away a year before. Diana had a sister who passed away when she was eleven. Diana never sought out treatment for her disorders thinking they were “beneath” her. This paper will underline the symptoms that lead to her diagnoses, …show more content…
Her diagnoses of both Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder seem to be accurate. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the noticeable change of mood that is characterized by sadness or irritability. It is also accompanied by psychophysiological changes which can be disturbance in sleep, appetite, suicidal thoughts and more (Belmaker & Agam, 2008). In the vignette, her sudden change in personality when she was twelve would make the diagnoses of MDD stronger. According to the DSM-5, MDD includes; loss of interest that is almost always present, a decrease in energy, depressed mood for majority of the day, change in appetite or weight, feelings of worthlessness, or creation of suicidal plans and attempts (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Diana displays some of these features such as depression, suicidal attempts, and feeling of …show more content…
In this model, the individual must have a susceptibility for the disorder and then be put under immense stress for the disorder to trigger. Diana’s sister death could have been the stress needed for her disorder to be triggered. Orsmond and Seltzerm (2009) found that siblings of those with Autism went through depression and anxiety symptoms using the diathesis-stress model. If the siblings went through high number of stressful events then they would show symptoms of anxiety and depression. In a study by Chang, Sanna, Hirsch & Jeglic (2010) loneliness and negative life events were looked at as predicators of suicide risk. Loneliness is usually a result of poor relationships and results in feelings of isolation (Chang, Sanna, Hirsch & Jeglic, 2010). The study found that negative events acted as predictions for suicidal behaviors. The conclusion of this study supports the diathesis-stress model, loneliness and negative events act as predictors of suicide risk (Chang, Sanna, Hirsch & Jeglic, 2010). This means the model works Diana as well. She was already susceptible to Major Depressive Disorder as well as Borderline Personality Disorder, and her sister’s death was the stress needed to trigger these