BDI-2: A Case Study Of Beck's Depression

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Background Information Client X is a twenty-one year old student, middle-high class white women who seemed discouraged and frustrated when she first arrived. She attends university and enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Client X has a boyfriend, some close friends and lots of family, however, she still reports experiencing lots of loneliness. She believes she feels overwhelmed and frustrated with constantly being with a few people and reports high anxiety and depressive symptoms when there is no one to hang out with or talk to. She disclosed that she cries multiple times a day, and sometimes can not attend her classes or complete daily tasks because of crying. She reports anxiety about the future and wonders if she will become less lonely or learn to cope and accept the loneliness she experiences. Therefore, client X would like to address her issue with loneliness and gain techniques and advice about coping and accepting her loneliness. Client X had an excellent childhood, surrounded by friends and family and extended family all the time. She was very close with her family and still is. She had a very active period, playing multiple sports and maintaining a part-time job, while attending …show more content…

Y and client X agreed to meet for bi-weekly sessions. Their first session included client X completing an assessment test for depression. Client X completed the Beck’s Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) to assess whether she suffered from depression. BDI-II is a self-report questionnaire with 21 question that takes around five to 10 minutes to administer (Farinde, 2013). Dr. Y ensured that the client was in a quiet room with sufficient lighting, as to not interfere with results. BDI-II was scored using points. Client X would select zero to three on which sentence best represented her feelings. The total score was relevant to the number of symptoms that client X was experiencing (Farinde, 2013). The tests revealed that client X was suffering from

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