Beck Depression Inventory Report Sample

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plan your session around wrapping up topics that where discussed and talk about all the ways in which the client will maintain what they had learned. Second praise the client for all of the hard work that they have done all of the positive changes they had made. Show them the difference on Becks Depression Inventory for youth (BDI-Y) or Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) showing hard facts can help, and praise emphasis all of the change. Third “checking in with the client regularly about questions or concerns about ending treatment helps maintain the therapeutic relationship and offset negative emotions about treatment that could result in negative outcomes, such as feeling abandoned. If the patient seems particularly concerned about ending …show more content…

This is a 20-item; self-report inventory that allows for early identification of symptoms of depression in children and adolescents ages 7-14. This tool screens for emotional and social difficulties that may impair a child 's ability to function in school settings. It includes items related to sleep disturbance; negative thoughts about self, life, and the future; and feelings of sadness and guilt. It is useful in planning and monitoring educational placement as well as in clinical treatment settings. The items are written at a second-grade level, but may be administered orally (usually in 5-10 minutes). By conducting the quick assessment at the beginning and end of each session, overall progression can be individually …show more content…

My role is to try to help clients understand the things that they do, to help them get a better understanding of themselves. “To encourages creative ways of working to resolve the challenges vulnerable people face and aims to promote empowerment, enabling people to take action and to improve their lives.”
My identity is an African American female, which is a daughter, sister, wife, mother and social advocate. With these identifying traits this makes me a good clinical social worker because I can identify with many ethical issues to help those that face equality issues, discrimination

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