Social Workers Role

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Social workers attend to an extremely wide range of societal issues, and have historically taken on the roles of advocate and provider for the individuals and communities most in need. One of the greatest challenges that social workers have faced from the very inception of the practice, and one that will undoubtedly remain pertinent in the future, is ensuring the welfare of young, disadvantaged, and disabled children and their families (Tannenbaum & Reisch, 2001). This issue is particularly relevant when considering the social workers’ role as an advocate, as children lack the language and agency to advocate for themselves. In many cases, children living with disabilities and children from low-income families— two experiences that, more often …show more content…

The aid they provide is multifaceted, in that they assist both the individual child and the family unit in a variety of contexts, with unique combinations of services being provided on a case by case basis to respond to the needs of that particular family. Depending on what the situation calls for and how the social worker is being accessed— through a school, hospital, outreach program, etcetera— they may provide their clients with anything from emotional counseling and referrals to receive medical care, food, clothing, and housing assistance, to pamphlets detailing methods of care that the families can employ at home to best support their children with special needs. Social workers also play an important role by assisting disadvantaged families as their children grow and transition between school programs, community organizations, medical practitioners, and therapists. In these instances, social workers function not only as the liaison between the client and their service providers, but as the coordinators responsible for ensuring a successful transition; they monitor the needs of the child and family, and work to ensure that these needs are met throughout the transitional process. For low-income families …show more content…

(2014). Early Childhood Education and Care as a Social Work Issue. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 31(5), 419. doi:10.1007/s10560-014-0332-x

Moran, P., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A., & Bifulco, A. (2007). Multi-agency working: implications for an early-intervention social work team. Child & Family Social Work, (2), 143.

Rosenkoetter, S. E., Hains, A. H., & Dogaru, C. (2007). Successful Transitions for Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families: Roles of School Social Workers. Children & Schools, 29(1), 25-34.

Schagrin, J. M. (2007). Child Welfare. Social Work Today, Vol. 7, No.2, P.24 Tannenbaum, N. & Reisch, M. (2001) From Charitable Volunteers to Architects of Social Welfare: A Brief History of Social Work,

Vallas, R. & Fremstad, S. - September 18, 2014| Disability Is a Cause and Consequence of Poverty.-