Beck Depression Instrument Report

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Measurement and Instrument The main dependent variables in the study will be the depressive symptoms (continuous dependent variable) and cognitive status. The independent will be the reminiscence therapy which is dichotomous (yes, no). The title of the instrument to measure the depression is Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Content of the Instrument – Categories and Items Beck Depression Inventory-II, a 21-item self-report instrument intended to assess the existence and severity of symptoms of depression in adults (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996; Carmody, 2005). Regarding types of items, patients choose statements to describe themselves in terms of the following 21 areas: sadness, pessimism, past failure, loss of pleasure, guilty feelings, …show more content…

The reliability of the BDI-II has been reported in the literature, as in Beck, Steer, Ball and Ranier (1996) which shown to have a high one-week test-retest reliability (Pearson r =0.93), the test also has high internal consistency (Coefficient alpha α=. 91) (Al-Musawi, 2001). In addition, a one-week test-retest correlation of .93 resulted from a study of 26 outpatients who had been referred for depression test and took the BDI-II during their first and second therapy sessions (Beck et al., 1996; Contreras et al., 2004). Inter-rater reliability for the BDI-II was reported to be very high (0.96) (Kumar et al., 2002). The BDI-II has high accuracy, excellent validity and this instrument measures what it is supposed to be measuring (Beck et al., 1996). The convergent validity with the BDI-II has been described to be moderately variable, ranging between 0.71 and 0.89 (Carmody, …show more content…

The researcher will receive training in human subject research. After obtaining the ethical approval, all nurses and department managers will be informed about the study, its purpose, and its significance. Participants will be chosen from different departments and during different shifts with helping of the department managers. Randomization will be stratified by gender and age (males and females, age from 18-35, and males and female, age from 36-55). To prevent subversion of randomization, the statistician will hold the randomization list, releasing an assignment once a participant consents and is eligible. The researcher will make a phone call with the head nurses of the hospitals and explain the study to head nurses and ask their permission to conduct the study in their institution with some target patients. The researcher will use the hospital's electronic record system to review the young adults who were diagnosed mild dementia. After that, the appropriate patients who will match the inclusion criteria will be chosen. Eligible patients will sign a consent form that will explain the research components, the advantages and disadvantages and all components of the research. The research process will be at two points, pre-test: it will be before starting the intervention sessions, and after assigning the patients

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