Sample Case Study Of Psychosocial Intervention

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The purpose of the second part of this assignment is to discuss and critically reflect on the use of psychosocial interventions with a client that the author has worked with on clinical placement, using relevant literature to support the assignment. The interventions used and that will be discussed are motivational interviewing (MI) and psycho-education. To protect the confidentiality of the client the author will be using the pseudonym Paul. Paul was a 34 year old single male who until recently was employed at a well known local business before being let go. Paul moved back home to live with his parents due to financial reasons after his job loss. Due to losing his job and moving home Paul became depressed and was drinking quite heavily. Paul …show more content…

According to Brown et al (2012) “the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a self-report instrument with large use in clinical and epidemiological studies to assess depressive symptoms”. The becks depression inventory (BDI) uses a series of questions scored zero to three to that helped diagnose depression into four categories including minimal, mild, moderate and severe. Paul’s score on the BDI was 27 which mean that he was most likely suffering from moderate depression, but this score was very close to 29 which, according to the scale if a score reached 29 or over then the depression is considered severe. So his state of depression, although technically moderate his state of depression was worrying as it was at the higher end of moderate depression on the …show more content…

After building a rapport with the service user, Paul agreed to meet the author for interviewing purposes. The setting for the meetings was an office just off the main ward so that we could talk privately as studies have shown that privacy during MI is an important factor (Nyamathi et. al. 2010). The author listened to Paul talk about his future plans all the while being careful to avoid arguments and express empathy through reflective listening. Paul had expressed an interest in wanting to leave the ward so that he could find a new job and move out on his own again. Paul had a good relationship with his parents but “didn’t want to be a burden on them anymore”. The author told Paul that he knew where he was coming from and asked what he planned to do about his current situation to which he replied “I need to quit drinking for a start”. The author asked Paul if he felt as though alcohol was affecting his life but Paul denied this and said “I only drink to forget about the situation that I’m in, it’s not like the gambling”. The author then reminded him how well he was doing with his gambling habit to which he agreed. The author asked Paul how he felt when he was working and living by himself to which, he responded “I was fine and happy”, he was then asked if he thought he would be happy again if he could