Examples Of Family Systems Theory

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The Family Systems Theory
Family systems theory is a framework for understanding families and their strengths and dysfunctions. The strengths identified among family relations can be used to help solve existing problems. The same applies with problems identified. The family system theory is based on Bowen’s theory which argues that people cannot leave independent of each other’s network of relationships. People within a family are connected emotionally, which affects their overall well being and social relations and behaviour. There is a growing complexity and diversity in families. Family systems theory provides a foundation for analysis of such complex and diversified families, making it easy to understand for effective therapy (Zastrow & …show more content…

Like in the case study selected, Gustavo has a problem with addiction. Solving this problem needs the involvement of Gustavo’s relationships, and not the individual’s inner psyche like the traditional therapy methods do. This approach is based on the belief that a change in a person’s behaviour affects the family members and the family functions over time (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2009).
The case study presented is a perfect example illustrating this theory. Gustavo has an alcohol addiction problem. This has not only affected his relationship with his family members, but has also affected the functions of the family. The father now works had to pay his debts while he continues drinking. The family’s normal functioning is disrupted by full attention on him and worries about him (Reinaldo & Pillon, …show more content…

As indicated earlier, traditional therapy methods focused mostly on the individual. The system’s theory method includes the family. The Geno-grams provides framework that includes the family into the therapy process, and helps in indentifying the relationships between family members and the external environment (Cierpka & Sprenkle, 2005).
In the case study, if Gustavo was to be focused on solely without including the family members, it would not be easy solve the problem. It is indicated that he already convinced himself, and was trying to convince others that alcoholism is just a foolish habit and he can stop it anytime he wished. The analysis of those around him, the places he visits, how he relates with his family members and the people at work brought out facts about his real life. This convinced him to attend the AA program. His brothers had also given up on him, and they did not care about him so long as he was employed and was not causing trouble at home. After and involvement with the researchers of the AA program, the brothers accepted that alcoholism is a disease, and that their brother needed