Disadvantages Of Family Genogram

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Emotional cut off is an extreme measure when a family member no longer interacts with the others emotionally, becoming isolated in their function and in their exchange with the rest of the family members. This concept is important to the functioning of a three generational genogram. When a family member displays emotional cut off, the anxiety of the family is spread across lesser members, with this particular member’s isolation creating even more anxiety and pressure upon the family. In extension, this cut off not only impacts the immediate family, but it disseminates itself across the generational boundaries (Dr Murray Bowen, 2014). In turn family members may try to replace this relationship with another one, creating a potential for vulnerability and let downs. Sibling position is another principle that is important to the functional levels of differentiation (Dr. Murray Bowen, 2014). Essentially siblings each have a specific role that is …show more content…

In mapping this communication, the eight principles measured by Brown may become apparent not only to the therapist, but for the first time, the family may be able to see just how their functions are impeding the balance of their family and condoning strong exhibitions of universal traits within particular family members. The Bowen family therapy approach is invested in the intergenerational processes that are prevalent between generations (Bohlinger, 2010). By increasing differentiation between family members and between the generations, if possible, giving each triangle meaning rather than repetitive opportunities at increasing anxiety (Bohlinger, 2010). Focusing on this historical perspective, the origin of the family and environmental factors that surround the progress of this family, the genogram focuses itself on growth and self-actualization as the ultimate goal for the intervention (Nichols,

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