The Other Wes Moore Essay

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When we study about relationships between living organisms, (i.e humans) and our physical environment, it is imperative for one to comprehend the vital connectivity within our micro, macro, and mezzo systems. Ecology also provides a great deal of information about the benefits of our ecosystems. This can be viewed in the tale of The Other Wes Moore; One Name, Two Fates.
When we look at the life of Wes Moore Watende Omari Moore, there is a validity to the many systems and subsystems aided in his advancement in life choices and ultimate outcomes. Some of the examples of such systems which played an intricate role in his life journey are 1) The immediate family system, which also comprised of its own subsystems (Wes, and his two siblings; Nikki …show more content…

This statement rings true in all lives and family structures. When there is entropy, it is impossible for there to be a homeostasis. There must be boundaries that are pragmatic and empowering to those around you and to self. Wes Moore led the readers to understand life choices and cognitive behavior therapy (cognitive restructuring). In every pivotal point in Wes’ life, there was a reconstruction of the thought process, thus; causing the behavior to change. Wes mentioned in his book that, “The moves from Baltimore to the Bronx to Valley Fore didn’t change my ways of thinking. What changed was that I found myself surrounded by people-starting with my mom, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, and leaders to a string of wonderful role models” etc. (Moore, 2010: p.179). Wes’ life was defined by Minuchin’s structural family system. Although the family was not set in a traditional therapeutic fashion, the intertwined family involvement and strong link and connectivity with each other catapulted Wes’ outcome and course of his journey to differ from The Other Wes. In order words, Wes’ ensured his interactions with others at each juncture of his life was that of transactional relations. It ensured that it was reciprocal exchanges in …show more content…

Their unpreparedness and their inability to adapt to their new roles, coupled with their environmental stressors, criminal history serving as a hindrance to their progression, the unavailability of a patrilineal support was an engulfment to their dead on arrival lifestyles. The Moore brothers functioned on territoriality mindset. During Wes’ life in the “streets” and through his distribution of narcotics, he marked his territory with street respect (temporarily). This territoriality was originated by Tony’s authoritarianism of the Murphy Home. This is where Wes received the right of passage into being a “tough” young teen without crying when hit during his involvement in the classic gladiator