Mrs. Weston Case Summary

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Officers from the Hidalgo County Sheriff Department were dispatched to the home of Violet Weston located at 4590 Cibolo Rd, Edinburg Texas due to a family dispute. The case of Violet Weston was referred by the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department in Edinburg, Texas to the Adult Protection Services for suspicion of elder abuse. Officer Coronado, witnessed upon arriving at the residence, Mrs. Weston was crying uncontrollably and was distraught. After sometime Officer Coronado was able to calm Mrs. Weston, but was not able to retrieve any information from her. However, Officer Coronado learned from Mrs. Weston’s older daughter Barbara that she had a pain medication dependence which caused Mrs. Weston to behave this way. As a precaution for Mrs. …show more content…

Client seemed unstable and flustered with everyone in the home at times. She is also having trouble clearly communicating with her family members and including myself. Client was openly hostile towards all her family members. Mrs. Weston is accustomed for things going her way if not she will dismiss all inputs from other individuals. Client lashed out couple of times when asked specific questions regarding her current medications. Support System Support system in place is the immediate and extended family. Currently, Mrs. Weston daughters and sister are residing with her and are determine to help Mrs. Weston overcome her addiction to pain medications. Client’s oldest daughter has agreed to stay with Mrs. Weston while she completes her path to recovery. Presenting Problems Mrs. Weston has a history of psychological abuse as a child. She stated her mother occasionally degraded and mocked her as a child, as a result she harbors animosity towards her mother. Client was diagnosed with cancer of the mouth, in which she was forced into early retirement. As a result of her diagnosis, client is taking numerous pain medications (Valium, OxyContin, Darvon, Vicodin, Darvocet, Dilaudid, Percodan, and Xanax) in which she has developed a dependence. Client also show signs of depression, she often feels fatigue, has trouble sleeping and may be the cause of her …show more content…

Some red flags the client presented is being hostile towards others, client is also verbally abusive and will refuse to address her problems. The improvement for quality of care for this client is getting the right and continuous treatment that will help her stay on the right track. To improve the clients overall health and the continuum of care, the client would need to obtain a hobby or engage in an activity that will fulfill her needs, with the purpose of maintaining the client busy and

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