Comparison Of Monkey's Paw 'And The Third Dream'

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A wise person once said, ¨Life has an irony all its own. What you wish for. You get but you discover that it's not what you want¨(Connolly,np). You might want something but at the end you're most likely to regret it. In ¨ Monkey´s Paw¨ and ¨ The Third wish¨ both teach deep stories about characters who just want a better life even if they get wishes for different acts whether it's being given a monkey's paw or helping someone in need they both lead to similar conflicts. Both stories explain the struggle of making the right decision and facing the consequences. The author of ¨Monkey´s paw¨ uses flashbacks, empathy, and symbolism to show the consequences of the wishes, however the author of ¨The Third wish¨ uses description, descriptive language and symbolism to show the consequences of making the wrong wish. By way of example, the author of ¨Monkeys Paw¨ uses the technique of Dialogue and Flashbacks to accomplish the goal of giving the reader background information about the story however, the …show more content…

As the family were enjoying their night they heard a faint knock on the door as they opened the door they were welcomed by Sergeant Major, Sergeant major is a soldier who has lots of stories and memories to share with the family. ¨He began to talk, the little family circle regarding with eager interest this visitor from distant parts, as he squared his broad shoulders in the chair and spoke of wild scenes and doughty deeds and spoke of wild plagues and stand people¨ (Jacobs,682). Jacobs uses the technique of flashback and memories to achieve the goal of giving the readers background information about the setting and the troubles of the