
Comparison Of To The Virgins To Make Much Of Life By Robert Herrick

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“And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.” This quote is from the poem “To the virgins, to make much of life”, written by Robert Herrick. “Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,” This quote is from the poem “Seven ages of man,” written by William Shakespeare. These two poems are similar in ways and different ways and they have the same scheme, but they have different techniques in the way they show emotion.
The poem “To the virgins, to make much of life” is an easy poem to understand. “The title of the poem begins the address to the virgins. To make much of time is both to make something happen while time is passing and to pay attention to its passage. In the first stanza, one use to be made …show more content…

The first or young age is best, warmer, more active. “Just as heat is expended by the sun, however, the heat that makes youth warm is also spent and diminishes from best to worse to worst.” The passage from youth to age in this stanza is same as the progress of bud to bloom to death of the flowers in the first.
The description of this poem is that the four stanzas of this poem are quatrains. These are hymn stanzas, a pattern in the first and third lines and three in the second and fourth lines, and the regular rhyme scheme of abab. “It is likely that it was intentional on Herrick’s part to adapt a church form to his very secular theme.”
The stanza form is given a sense of sweet and nice and warm and relief syllable at the end of each second and fourth line. The final syllable is not part of the of the line, but seems to put lots of sound in it, “is also probably not an accident that these syllables have in each case what is called a feminine …show more content…

Then he goes to an old man who can’t do anything he is like a baby again, just patently waiting for God to take him home.
William Shakespeare wrote his poems in a different time period so his word choice is going to be more from that time. They are a lot more difficult to understand but not hard to understand at the same time. His word choice makes the poem sound wise and from a lot of knowledge passed down through the world. There is a lot of knowledge in this poem just from his word choice and the scheme of the

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