Comparison Of Using Two References And In Your Words Define Weapons Of Mass Destruction

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1. Using two references and in your words, define Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are defined as weapons that are capable of perpetrating massive attacks and causing mass casualty situations. There are three main categories of weapons of mass destruction which are nuclear, chemical warfare agents, and biological agents (Reed, n.d.). According to the FBI website, and under the 18 U.S.C. §2332a, weapons of mass destruction constitute disease organisms, radioactive material or anything made to disperse radiation, explosives, gaseous poisons, and toxins/chemicals (WMD, 2017).
There have been numerous definitions for the concept of weapons of mass destruction each with a different twist that makes it suitable for whichever agency it is …show more content…

Explain Sanctions against Foreign Persons as presented in Executive Order EO 12938?

Executive Order 12938 Section 4 Sanctions against Foreign Persons regards the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons and the law against it. If any foreign person is to engage in such acts that involve the produce, stockpile, use or develop, sanctions will be imposed as well as the preexisting ones in “the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 and the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991” (Exec. Order 12938, 1994, pg. 2).
No part of the US Government is permitted to conduct business with the said foreign person. If the Secretary deems the said foreign person is no longer conducting/condoning illegal activities related to weapons of mass destruction proliferation, sanctions may be discontinued or not imposed at all. Under certain circumstances, exemptions may be allocated for pre-existing contracts. These kinds of exemptions are only implemented to meet operational requirements for the U.S. military, spare parts, servicing products, etc. and can only be arranged by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury (Exec. Order,