
Complex Buying Behavior

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Adapted from Henry Assael, Consumer behavior and Marketing Action (Boston: Kent Publishing Company, 1987) Complex Buying Behavior Consumers purchasing behavior undertake complex situations characterized by high levels of participation in a purchase decision and with important differences between brands. When the product is expensive, risky buy infrequently as cars and computers, high participation in decision-making is required. The consumer must go through a process of learning through research, reading reviews, talking to others and try different models. With the information collected, the consumer (or sometimes changing) beliefs and attitudes before making a choice (Kotler and Armstrong 2010) develops. Vendors of high participation must …show more content…

• Encourages purchases and additional references. • Offer discounts and incentives. (Kotler and Armstrong 2010) Habitual buying behavior Habitual buying behavior refers to situations in which a consumer has to involve low-ing in a purchase and brand perceived difference insignificant. This category of products includes everyday products and commodities such as toilet paper, salt and pepper. Consumers simply buy them regardless of different brands. If they keep choosing the same brand, it is a more common strong brand loyalty decision. In these situations, consumers do not pass through the usual sequence belief-attitude-behavior. Instead of passively learn about products for watch TV or read magazines. Consumers are buying based on brand awareness, marketers use repetition ad build brand familiarity brand rather than conviction. In order to promote shopping, sellers often use price and sales promotion to initiate testing of the product (Kotler, Armstrong 2010). In advertising a product of low participation, sellers must: • Create message emphasizing a few key points. • Use the visual symbols and images as they can be easily remem-numbered and associated with the …show more content…

As Figure 3 indicates, a problem is recognized, the long-term memory (internal search) suggests a single preferred solution. The process is almost automatic. Many purchases are routine that can not realize that we have done so we check our shopping cart. For example, when a consumer was left without toothpaste, usually taking the usual brand regardless of price or attributes of other brands. Although it might seem like a consumer buys routinely neglected but this reduces the time and energy they have to go through the "mundane" decision. However, this type of decision making challenges to vendors who are trying to introduce a new product. In these situations, the sellers have to con-Vince consumers to replace their habit with a new

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