Consumer Behavior: Attitudinal Loyalty And Satisfaction

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Brand loyalty is a focal point of interest for marketing researchers. From past research stated that loyal customers spend more than non-loyal customers in purchasing. Much of the research over the past three decades looks into consumer loyalty from two perspectives which are behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty (Bandyopadhyay & Martell, 2007; Dick & Basu, 1994). Behavioral loyalty means the frequency of repeating the purchases. Which attitudinal loyalty refers to the psychological commitment that a consumer makes in the purchase, example like intentions to purchase and intentions to recommends. (Jacoby, 1971; Jarvis & Wilcox, 1976).
Dick and Basu (1994) propose that customer will be loyalty to the brand is the result of psychological processes and has behavioral manifestations. Therefore it should incorporate both attitudinal and behavioral. Satisfaction is recognized as an important element for loyalty in both the consumers and business marketing. Satisfaction with previous purchase experiences plays an important role in determining the future purchase behaviors particularly call as an effort-minimization strategy (Jones and Suh, 2000: Pritchard et al, 1999).
Oliver (1999) has developed the definition of brand loyalty as “a deeply held commitment to re-purchase or re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future and …show more content…

From this point of view, loyal behavior cannot provide a comprehensive conception of fundamental cause of loyalty. In addition, repetition occurs may be due to different restrictions resulted from the market. Therefore, the loyalty of this type of customer differs from the loyalty of those customers who really support a product and they do have psychological bond with a product and company. So, customer’s brand loyalty was considered as an attitudinal