Nt1310 Unit 1 Strategic Marketing

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Introduction Since my first vClass in Strategic Marketing at the University of Fredericton, I learned a lot about the importance of branding and the impact it has on a company’s bottom line. In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations must build a brand identity that continually crafts a positive image. This requires establishing and communicating a brand promise and building a customer experience that upholds the promise consistently at every stage of the purchase cycle. No matter the size of the business, poor branding can negatively impact a company’s bottom line. It is critical that businesses include branding as part of their startup steps right along with the legal, financial and logistical steps to create a strong unique selling proposition. This document will focus on my reflection on branding from the University of Fredericton’s EMBA 7035 Strategic Marketing course and how it’s an important marketing trend that can’t be ignored. Brand Analysis …show more content…

For myself, I tend to favor and develop loyalty to brands I know and trust. Developing a strong brand identity requires a solid business-focused approach that carefully aligns brand strategy with internal operations. According to Kotler, Keller, Cunningham, & Sivaramakrishnan (2013), a brand promise is a company’s vision of what the brand must be and do for its customers. An all around characterized and executed brand strategy influences all parts of a business and is directly associated with buyer needs, feelings, and competitive environments. At the point when consumers can relate a brand with an expression, word, or experience, the key parts of a brand can offer organizations some assistance with growing followers around the

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