Essay On Marx And Engels

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As demonstrated by Marx and Engels in the introduction and development of instruments of labour, the division of labour and private property divide of people into social classes (i.e. the exploiting class and the exploited class). Alienation and contradiction – expressed through class struggles – are oppressive and dehumanizing, yet absolutely necessary for the general progress of the human society (Marx and Engels, 1965). Marx explains social change in endogenous terms, stressing the internal dynamics of the mode of production (Moratiu and Ignat 2011). From the social point of view, processes are qualified as being endogenous when they occur within the social system, conflicts arising due to tensions between socially unequal groups and classes, inequality …show more content…

A process of self-sustained development accompanies this positive dynamics: profits are made and reinvested, capital, productivity and income per capita surge. The virtuous cycle of development is underway (Samuleson and Nordhaus, 2001);  The drive to maturity – generally attained some six decades after take-off begins and four decades after it ends. It is established when 30% of national income is invested and the global output outstrips the increase in population. In this stage the living standards of the population increase;  The age of high mass-consumption – the phase reached in the 20th century, marked by two processes: the majority of urban population and the workforce are employed by the services sector and per capita incomes exceed the levels needed to meet basic