
Concepts Of Health And Social Care Study

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Introduction :
In this conceptual learning project, I will look at Ten concepts from the modules we have studied so far and see how it will be applied to a context related to my life, to social context, work place , my communities and the world around me.

Ten Concepts:
The ten concepts are taken from Module 1- Health, Interview, Nursing diagnosis, Module 3-Clinical thinking, Module 4- wellness, anxiety, Nutrition Assessment, Health promotion and Module 10- Stress and mental health
1. Health –It’s the state of being free from illness or injury.
AS per WHO –World health organization “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The word health means different things …show more content…

“Health is wealth “. When one is healthy, one will be able to relate with people freely in the environment .Factors such as clean water and air , good housing ,and safe environment and roads all have been found to contribute to good health, especially for children .
Application of concept of the Current job: The knowledge of this concept has helped me to treat my patient adequately. I give them health education on the importance of health i.e. health helps in the attainment of personal ambition, it favors personal efficiency, it contributes to an individual lifespan, it has much to do with happiness and success and it permits people to conserve their earnings (lara-brown,2003). I also tell them to ensure that they eat well, with good physical activity ,as well as to avoid smoking.
Usefulness of the concept of the current world: “Prevention better than cure “. According to WHO in 1946 . health is defined as a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity , therefore globally government is trying to see to say healthy by giving some awareness programmers.
Current related …show more content…

it also help to handle stressful situation. If I am emotionally indisposed, a clinical psychologist will interview me and will guide me accordingly .
Social life:
The importance of interview cannot be over-emphasized , one can be stopped along the road and be interviewed by those marketing their product to find out how good their goods. Even in online ,media as been interviewed to check their product quality .Interview is very important in all the field it will give an overall picture about the things/substance.
Application of concept of the Current job :
Interview is done everywhere in the world , even too small to big it may be in any field like job, admission , school , visit . By this research it help to know how to do interview and what is the goal for interview ,how to perform ,what are the important area to be focused .
Usefulness of the concept of the current world:
Interview is important fact for interviewer as well as the person to is undergoing interview . it will give more information about a person and for the person who is undergoing interview it’s a good chance to know in detail by questioning .
Current related

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