
Confederation And Singapore Case Study

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The unemployment rate in Singapore is very low and 86 % labor force is in service sector which is good for any economy. Hiring local teachers will not be a big challenge for Confederation College in Singapore as the education rate is more than 90%.
Cost of living
According to the FIndthedata, the cost of living in Singapore is 27% higher than Canada, more specifically between Singapore city and Toronto. The cost of living in Singapore is one of the challenges for Confederation College as they have to pay more to their employees. According to the consumer price indices Toronto is little higher than Thunder Bay. The graphs next page shows the distribution of major expenses in Thunder Bay and Singapore city.
The cost of living except the rent and markets all the other ones are not much higher or lower in both the countries, pretty similar. Being the hub of Asian economy Singapore is a little higher than Canada. The exchange rate between Canada and Singapore is almost same so it will not be that difficult for the college to manage the expenses in Singapore city.

This two charts are showing the major expenses areas in Singapore city and Thunder Bay. The major difference of expense between Thunder Bay and Singapore city are Markets (day to day needs mostly food) and rent. The expenses for foods in restaurant is cheaper in Singapore city than …show more content…

Initially, the Confederation College will have to hire from within to ensure that the students in Singapore city will get the needed knowledge, skills and attitudes for which Confederation College stands for. Because of the increased rent expense in Singapore city it will be tough for Confederation College to hire faculty members from within as it will increase the cost of operation and especially when the potential teachers will have their family with them to be transferred in Singapore

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