Conflict In The Storyline

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Summary of the Storyline The movie follows the two main characters Billy and Nick who are played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson respectively. Billy and Nick are two salesmen that are selling outdated products to an almost extinct target market. They become unemployed as their businesses are no longer sustainable as they have failed to adapt with the growth of technology. They are forced to compete with the younger and more technologically advanced youth in an internship at Google. Billy and Nick have to overcome the odds of beating their superior, tech-savvy, youthful competitors in order to receive employment from Google. Billy and Nick are teamed up with a younger and dysfunctional group of people that have to overcome their differences …show more content…

In the beginning of the movie when “Team Lyle” was first assembled the group had poor communication skills and had role conflict. The type of conflict was dysfunctional. In the scene where the group had been assigned a task of creating a new app there was a lot of conflict. The ideas of the different group members were clashing. Bobby had an idea of an app but could not understand the other group members when they told him that an app like that had already been invented. The two older members (Nick and Bobby) did not understand the type of language their other members were using when they started discussing an app in technological terms and that lead to Nick and Bobby having role ambiguity and them being confused as to what they had to do. The rest of the members then decided to trick Bobby and Nick into leaving the area so that the rest of them could work and function properly. The team then puts aside their differences and when they bond as a team after a night out begin to understand each other. They then have functional conflict when building the app that prevents drunken texting people because they brainstorm and build off of each other’s