Conflict Perspective: Conflict Theory: Theoretical Framework Of Conflict

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Theoretical Framework: Conflict Perspective: Conflict perspective focuses their attention on society as a whole. Conflict theorists see society as in a continuous sate of conflict between groups and classes. He struggle for power and income is a continuous process but one in which many categories of people appear as opponents-classes, races, nationalities and even the sexes. Society is held together through the power of dominant groups or classes. The shared values, which functionalist see as glue for holding society together, do no realty form rue consensus; instead this is an artificial consensus in which the dominant groups or classes impose their values and rules upon rest of the people. The source of conflict in society, they hold, …show more content…

People’s behavior is also characterized by self-sacrifice andcooperation. Love is an important quality in relationships. Conflict theorists don’t often talk about the power of love or bonding; yet the presence of love and bonding may distinguish the family from all other groups in society. We often make sacrifice for the sake of hose we love. We will defer our own wishes o another’s desires; we may even sacrifice our lives for a love done. Don’t we? Second, conflict theorists assume that differences lead to conflict. Differences can also be accepted, tolerated or appreciated. Differences do not necessarily imply conflict. Just think that who cooperate with each other? Whether without differences would there becooperation? If there won’t be any difference with whom would you cooperate, both would become t he same. Third, conflict in families is no easily measured or evaluated. Families live much of their lives privately, andoutsiders are not always aware of whatever conflict exists or how pervasive it is. Also, much over conflict is avoided because it is regulated through family and societal rules. Most children obey their parents, and most spouses, although they may argue heatedly, don not employ

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