Conformity In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron is a short story published in 1961 that I would describe as having the theme of futuristic-science-fiction. The short is set in the year 2081 where in the United States new amendments to the constitution has equalized all humans. Although, the author does not mention how this dystopia came to be and if the rest of the world has equalized all human beings, it is clear to me that in this dystopia, equality is an illusion, equality is not real. As I read this short, it became more and more evident to me that this society was strange, and when I finished the short, I was convinced that this society was conformed to act and think in the way that they do, which unfortunately, for a country in year 2081, that claims …show more content…

As seen throughout recorded history, conformity has contributed greatly to the inequality and unfair treatment of our fellow human beings and the world all around. If not for conformity, our world could have been a lot different. Perhaps a world of peace, where all species of the planet can live amongst each other in harmony with nature. Perhaps a world where human individualism is not just the "norm", but the moral way of life that contributes positively, not just for all humans, but for all of nature and earth. 2081's United States, does not represent the true meaning of equality. Instead, authority has masked conformity with the illusion of equality. As I read the short, I found representations and symbols of this illusion throughout. Here are the following 2 examples …show more content…

There are two characters that are introduced in the beginning, which are George and Hazel. George is a "handicap" that has " a little mental handicap radio in his ear". This radio in his ear feeds sounds(every twenty seconds) into his head, preventing him for thinking rationally or clearly. On page 1, when George and Hazel are having a conversation about the ballerinas on the television, a noise in George's head interrupts his thoughts. " George was toying with the vague notion that maybe dancers shouldn't be handicapped. But he didn't get very far with it before another noise in his ear radio scattered his thoughts". The noise in his ear disrupted his thoughts that suggested that he was second-guessing if the dancers should be handicapped. This leads me to believe, that the noises is purposely set to go off every twenty seconds to prevent George from thinking rationally, in turn, disabling him. 2. The Weights: The weights around the ballerinas' necks and on Harrison Bergeron's body symbolizes a chain used to keep the strong disabled. Logically, a weaker, petite person would not need such heavy weights on their body as the ones described around George's neck, weighing "forty-seven pounds in a bag locked with a padlock. The weights are heavy objects that restrain the person, in turn preventing them from making normal human movements. The weights symbolize oppression. The