Conformity In Tancredi's

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Imposed conformity to social norms suppresses individuality.

Following the dictates of society’s sexual expectations stifles character. Sex is a subject often avoided by women. Talking about sex with or in front of a woman is frowned upon in most societies. In order to remain desirable, a woman is expected to keep up with the ridiculous expectations built up about their sexuality. If a woman decides to wait until marriage to have an intimate relationship, she is called a prude. If a woman has sex before marriage, she is called a whore or a slut, especially if she has slept with multiple men. Both stereotypes of women are opposites, and yet are used together in the same society. The reason for this is that women are judged by their usefulness …show more content…

Don Fabrizio knows that his lineage and social class are disappearing, but he also knows that he cannot do anything about it. He knows that with the rise of young and hard working revolutionaries, the aristocracy does not stand a chance. When Don Fabrizio’s friend Ciccio finds out about Tancredi’s engagement to Angelica, he is stunned. Tancredi is part of the aristocracy and even though her family is rich, Angelica is still a commoner. "How foul, Excellency! A nephew of yours ought not to marry the daughter of those who're your enemies who have stabbed you in the back! […] It's the end of the Falconeris, and of the Salinas too" (3.54). Even though Tancredi is an aristocrat, he does not have a lot much money and has to marry someone that does. This means that he has to marry someone rich but with a lower status. He falls in love with Angelica, and although she is beautiful and rich, her family is of the lower class and has a bad reputation. Tancredi knows that if the Don Fabrizio and the rest of Italy want to stay in their current positions of weath and power, then they are going to have to change with the times. "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change" (1.85). Don Fabrizio is conflicted. He wants his family to maintain their lifestyle and continue the Salina name, but he does not want to change. His situation and resistance to change is seen when he rejects the role of senator. He explains, “I belong to an unfortunate generation, swung between the old world and the new, and I find myself ill at ease in both.”(––) He knows that he would not be fit for the role, and he instead recommends they ask Don Calogero, Angelica’s father, to become senator. He says, “he has more than what you call prestige, he has power.” Don Fabrizio