Conformity The Outsiders

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Are you like your sister, mom, or brother or like no one? I’m not. It’s okay to be different. Everyone doesn’t have to be the same. It’s fine if your different. The Outsiders is a 1967 novel written by S.E. Hinton that explores the lives of the Greasers, a gang made up of low-income teenagers. By examining Ponyboy, Darry, and Johnny, and many of the other gang members. We can see how it’s okay to be different. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy followed everyone but as you got closer to the end he started to not like fighting and other things his friend and family liked. In other word he had different opinions. On page 137 Ponyboy asked everyone why they fight?. Soda said he fights for fun, Steve for hatred, Darry for pride, and Two-Bit for conformity. Conformity is behavior that is the same as the behavior of most other people in a society and/or a group. Then Ponyboy asked himself why he fights and he said he doesn’t know. That shows that he is different because everybody fights for one reason or another. He thinks that there is no reason for it. That's fine. …show more content…

“I reckon it never occured to you that your brothers might be worrying their heads off. Can’t you use your head Pony? (50). “You haven’t even got a coat on!” Then Soda tells Darry to chill and not yell at pony. This means that Soda and Darry have different