
Consequences Of Symbolism In Anthem, By Ayn Rand

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Have you ever imagined a world where there was no such thing as the word “I”? In the book “Anthem” written by Ayn Rand, the society is the only thing people know and are familiar with. Equality 7-2521 lives in a world where he does not even know himself. Exploring, learning, and experimenting is beyond forbidden. Throughout the book Equality learns who he is and why he grew up the way he grew up. Therefore Equality envisions a new society at the end of the book, that does not involve “We” as in the government of collectivists but more “I” as in individuality. In Equality’s world the rules he lives by existed so everyone would not live for themselves and so everyone would be treated equally. These rules symbolized collectivism (Rand 8) and if the people in this society did not respect the rules they would have serious consequences. For example in the book it states “it is a sin to think words no others think” (Rand 17). This quote shows that the people in Equality’s society would not dare to think individually because they knew it was disgraceful. The society that Equality lived in had a main branch called the council of vocations which chose every single individuals present and future. This branch assigned where the individual would live and where they would work for the rest of their life. This society also had a rule where they could not say the word “I” which is said almost in every other sentence said now a days. In Anthem “I” is relating to Man’s Self not just a symbol
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