Conspiracy Theories Of JFK Assassination

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Evola 1
Enzo Evola
Mrs. Meyers
English 10R
13 March 2023
Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy theories are theories used to explain an event that contradicts the original story. There are many conspiracy theories, such as those about the JFK assassination and the moon landing. The conspiracies about the assassination of JFK is that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the person that pulled the trigger, but rather was framed by someone. The conspiracy theories regarding the moon landing is that it was fake and people have never actually been to the moon. The internet, also known as the worldwide web, allows millions of people to communicate and search for information. Not all of the information that people see on the internet is true; …show more content…

Kennedy was shot and killed as the presidential motorcade turned on Elm Street off of Houston Street (“Death That”). The man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of killing the president from the sixth floor window of a warehouse (Del Real). A man by the name of Abraham Zapruder was using a camera to film the president as the motorcade passed by him through the streets. Zapruder’s camera was rolling during the time of the shooting. The video captured by Zapruder showed the president as he grabbed his throat and then moments later the shot to the head that killed the president. As time progressed and computers had become more advanced, Zapruder’s video could be better analyzed. As the news of the assassination spread throughout the world (“Death That”). News stations reported the news saying “From Dallas, Texas, came the startling news flash -- President Kennedy died at 1pm Central Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago” (n.p.). As people heard the news hundreds of conspiracy theories regarding the assassination were born. Some people believed that Oswald was the only assassin, while others believed that the mafia or the CIA were involved in the assassination. A Wall Street lawyer, Posner, believes that Oswald had about three other opportunities to shoot the president before he fired the first shot. Oswald was caught and arrested about an hour and a half after the shooting. He was found carrying a false id with the name Alek Hidell. Within two days of the assassination Oswald was being taken through the basement of a Dallas police station, when Jack Ruby, a club owner, stepped out and shot Oswald. Before Oswald was killed he claimed he was innocent and could not have killed the president, fueling conspiracy theorists (n.p.). Even now, about sixty years after the assassination, a large portion of the American people believe that the true