
Constitution Vs Constitution

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America, land of the free and home of the brave, produces great individuals filled with creativity, hope, inspiration and passion. These Americans impact the world in ways many could not imagine. The formula for creating such individuals resides in the roots of the country itself, the Constitution. The Constitution is the glue that holds America together and grants individuals the opportunity to have true independence. These independent individuals all find themselves united with the Constitution in one United States of America. This timeless document remains crucial to America centuries after its authorship. The Constitution defines the limitations and power of the government while also emphasizing the rights and freedoms of its people.
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President Trump has ordered the Defense Department to produce a plan to defeat ISIS during the current War on Terror. Also found in section two, he gains the power of making treaties if two-thirds of the Senators agree. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum to leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This decision could either promote factory jobs as it is intended to do or cause a loss of American exports and harm the economy. An impactful decision such as this would not be able to take place without Article II of the Constitution, showing its importance in modern America. He also froze the hiring of federal workers to reduce the payroll of the federal …show more content…

The recent election produced a president who would appoint the new supreme court judges. The supreme court holds the highest power and is the final judge in all cases involving laws and even the Constitution. Trump’s selection of Neil Gorsuch will reshape the supreme court for decades because supreme court justices serve for life. Trump promised to put conservative justices on the supreme court. With more conservative justices on the supreme court many court cases that defined major issues in this country could be overturned. For example, Roe v. Wade in 1973 resulted in giving the women the right to choose to abort their baby. There are two different interests with this issue: protecting a woman’s health and protecting human life. With more conservative justices appointed by President Trump, the result of the court case could result in protecting human life having a massive impact on the entire nation. Ranging social issues such as people’s attitudes towards children to abortion doctors being unable to cash in on unwanted pregnancy.
The first Amendment provides impartial freedoms that preserve religion, speech, press. peaceful assembly, and the right to petition. Without these freedoms, America would not be able to flourish as well as it has. Having these freedoms allows for an individual to make decisions in their lives that citizens of other countries do not

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