Constitutional Amendments: Current And Significant Changes In Society Today

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The first and foremost purpose of the constitutional amendments is to accommodate the current and significant changes in the society today. The constitutional amendments cover up the loopholes that our founding fathers may have evaded during the writing of the constitution. For instance, the first constitutional amendment drafted in 1789 and passed in 1791 prohibited any declaration of law that encloses individuals to certain rights and freedoms like religion and freedom of speech. The fact is, the initial written constitution was blind to these rights and thus the amendment played a role or correcting this misrepresented law.
The second purpose of constitutional amendment is to allow flexibility of the constitution. When the constitution was being written, malpractices lie slavery was still in place. However, with time, slavery was later on abolished and it had to be re-written in the constitution under the 13th amendment that involuntary servitude and slavery was abolished. The prior U.S constitution has already undergone past 27 amendments, which has shaped the way we live today. A society without racial discrimination and full expression of human rights. All privileges we enjoy today are courtesy to the purpose of the constitutional amendments.
It is hard to imagine how our …show more content…

Leaders, legislatures, the Congress and even the President can be driven by personal motives towards attaining certain calibers within their goals hence push for certain amendments that will benefit their interests at the expense of the entire American population. Suppose a constitution that holds the executive above all levels of government such that it can create amendments without approval of the other statutory bodies. That would exempt clauses like the 20th amendment, which dictates the duration that president, vice-president, senators and representatives should