Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Case Study

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Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Infusion Self-Care A continuous peripheral nerve block infusion is a procedure that is done to numb a specific area of the body. During the procedure a pump delivers numbing medicine to your body through a tube called a catheter. HOW TO PROTECT THE NUMB AREA Until feeling returns to the numbed area of your body, take these steps to protect the numb area. Carefully pad the numb area. This will help prevent injury and the development of sores. Be careful when using items that are hot or cold. You will not be able to feel temperature in the numb area, so your skin in that area can get damaged more easily. If your arm is numb: Keep your arm in a sling at all times physical therapy exercises. …show more content…

Avoid pulling or tugging on the catheter. To remove the catheter: Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Remove the bandage (dressing) along with any tape or additional bandages that are used to secure the catheter. Firmly grasp the catheter where it enters the skin. Gently pull the catheter. The catheter should come out easily. If it does not or you have pain while you pull it, stop and call your health care provider. Do not cut the catheter. Throw away the pump and tubing. When you remove the catheter, it is normal to see a small amount of fluid in the place where the catheter was. SEEK MEDICAL CARE IF: The place where the catheter was inserted becomes red, painful, or swollen. There is yellowish fluid coming from the place where the catheter was. You have a rash or hives. You have uncontrolled pain in the area that should be numbed. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL CARE IF: You have symptoms of a reaction to the nerve block. Symptoms of a reaction include: Numb lips. A metallic taste in your mouth. Ringing in your ears. Increased anxiety. Sudden unexpected sleepiness. Blurred vision.

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