Controversial Decisions In American Literature

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In the year of 2016, a heated and and controversial presidential election took place. With both candidates came different viewpoints, ideas, and beliefs. No matter how the election were to turn out, many were going to be angry about the outcome. They knew that in the future decisions would be made that could potentially hurt their families, jobs, salaries, and values. This is no different from what many pieces of American Literature show about the government. Decisions made by the government have caused outrage from individuals and communities. American Literature shows the frustrations many people had about the governments in which ruled over them.
One of the most recognized and famous American writers, Henry Thoreau, writes about his frustrations with the government in …show more content…

Steinbeck accuses the laws of the United States to be immoral as he states, “A law which is immoral does not survive and a government which condones or fosters immorality is truly in a clear and present danger” (2). Steinbeck believes that Miller is innocent and that what the government has done to accuse Miller is immoral. He also puts America in the bad by comparing their actions to those of their enemies by saying, “We have seen and been revolted by the Soviet Union’s encouragement of spying and telling, children reporting their parents, wives informing on their husbands. In Hitler’s Germany, it was considered patriotic to report your friends and relations to the authorities. And we in America have felt sade from and superior from these things. But are we so safe and superior?” (2). This attacks America as he is comparing them to their enemy, but does not directly state it. Steinbeck is angered by the decisions in which the government took to accuse