
Controversial Documentary Films: The Good Women Of Bangkok

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Apart from Hollywood film, the documentary film is also an influential source of information that reveals real life situation of each group of people where the producer is filming. The controversial documentary film which reveals Thai woman real life is “The good women of Bangkok” (1991). The film was made by an Australian filmmaker, Dennis O'Rourke. He spent nine months involved with Thai prostitute named Aoi. “The film begins when O'Rourke travels to the Patpong the famous place for foreigners to spend nightlife experience in Bangkok famous Red Light District. He desire to explore the nature of love and sexual experience with Thai women. He met ‘Aoi’ the prostitute in Patpong, he hired her for sexual services and asked her to film the documentary film of her life after that. Aoi came to work as a prostitute at Patpong to pay …show more content…

The storyline is not much different from “The Good women of Bangkok”. It appears to be a cliché of Farang male and Thai women relationship documentary film. Open scene with Farang male named Ted met Thai bar girl named Tip, then fell in love and married her. With the poverty problem, Tip had to work as a bar girl/ prostitute to send money to her family in a rural area in Isaan region. Unsurprisingly, the movie reveals that Tip need money from Ted to make a better life and acceptation from her neighborhoods. Anyway, this film is not end happily, Ted spent a lot of money, more than he expected. He started having problem with Tip according to money issue. Then Tip started treating badly with him until he decided to go back to UK, gave up his marriage life with Tip. In this film, the sentence that clearly reveals this bar girl’s attitude is “I can’t eat or drink your love”. It reveals the eagerness for money and ‘love’ is not what she really

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