Controversial Issues In Canada

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The author Benjamin Shingler from CBC news addresses the article in a non-bias way.

Shingler, expresses the articles point of view by stating details relating to a controversial bill

passed in Quebec recently that targets certain ethnicities groups. Throughout, my essay I will be

discussing the issues in the article as to why it relates to discriminatory issues in Canada.

Moreover, the issues I will be talking about relating to discrimination will be how the articles

topic goes beyond Canada’s concept of diversity, targets certain ethnicity groups, and restricts

individual’s rights.

In the article “Quebec's face-covering law heads for constitutional challenge” (Shingler,

2017). Benjamin Shingler, elaborates the …show more content…

According to the author’s opinion Canadian

Muslim women feel the most targeted leading this to be the main issues as it is states for any

head wear such as niqab or burka covering the face to be removed when receiving public

services regarding identification (Shingler, 2017). Despite, the author being able to relate to the

controversial topic he is able to incorporate statements from those who are not in favor of the

new bill. In summary, CBC News author Benjamin Shingler uses statements from Quebec’s

government and Muslim Canadians grasping a better understanding of both viewpoints. As a

result, the issue seen is being examined through a micro-level as looking beyond a problem and

looks at cause and effect for individuals throughout society.

Firstly, with knowledge I have inferred with the article from CBC news I am able to relate it

to the course of issues in diversity as I understand the bill passed in Quebec has conflicted with

the concept of Canada. For instance, Canada has developed as of the four ideologies. For

example, the upbringing of Canada has allowed the country itself to develop as a …show more content…

For example, he provided a statement saying, “governments

shouldn’t tell women what they can and cannot wear” (Shingler, 2017). The statement given

relates to the multiculturalism ideology in Canada as the ideology refers to supporting diversity

throughout the nation and not creating laws between cultures (Aulakh, Boyington, Kazarian, &

Roberts, 2017, p. 5). Although, with Quebec new passed this law it may be seen taking a step

back from becoming a multiculturalist ideology as the new law may demonstrates assimilation

ideology. For example, assimilation ideology allows diversity but wants others to adopt to the

new host’s culture when needed (Aulakh, Boyington, Kazarian, & Roberts, 2017, p. 5). This is

seen through the issues as Quebec accepts the culture of Muslims but, when asked to remove any

headwear it is going against Muslim women’s beliefs. Overall, the issues have conflicted with

what Canada nation is known for being open towards diversity and with the new bill it is not

taking in consideration on the beliefs of Muslim women on what it means for them to remove