The Negative Effects Of The Christie Pits Riot In Canada

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According to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has right of “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication” (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982). But this wasn’t the case in the 30’s. Minority rights were neglected throughout Canadian history because of the lack of attention given to them. But now, since there are actions being enforced to help against discrimination and racism, it has helped Canada in a positive way. The War Measures Act was one example of minority rights starting to grow. The Christie Pits riot was one negative aspect, but was addressed and it was made sure that something like that would never happen again. Also, the Canadian Charter of Rights and …show more content…

It started with a group of men who were unfolding a black swastika painted on a bed sheet. Then, the Jewish baseball team who just finished a game rushed at them and tried to destroy the flag. And that was how the riot started. Everyone grabbed whatever came to hand. The Christie Pits riot changed Canada in a big way. We have had a good history and is known to be diverse, and when a great act of hate uproars like this, it would taint our history. According to an interview done by CBC, during Hitler’s time period, “Catholic’s were attacked and Jews, Blacks, and Chinese were hated” (CBC, 2013). Nobody had seen this much hate in Canada. If the province or government wanted to do something, they would have stepped in. But the event was unaccounted for. But after it happened, the Canadian government made sure that there would not be a second part. The Christie Pits was more towards a neutral event because it only occurred once and because after it happened, that’s when the government stepped in and made sure nothing else would happen. Although it was prevented from future repetition, it will not change what already