Racialization In Canada

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Race is a social construction. Societies establish the idea of race by identifying it as something that is legitimate and distinct (39). Ultimately, creating inequality for those who do not fit the “norm”. This concept is known as racialization. One clear example of racialization is the Quebec girl who was banned from playing soccer because she was wearing a hijab on the field (Postmedia News). By not allowing Rayane Benatti to play, the dominant culture is forcing her to adapt beliefs that are not apart of her cultural background. This is to supposedly “help” the young girl (45). The soccer teams intention is to create the illusion that she is less inferior, more Canadian, and most importantly acceptable in public. Sadly, this is done to make others around her feel more comfortable. Racialization in the case of the young girl was done by first identifying her hijab as a sign of difference then eventually making it a symbol of weakness and inferiority. By giving the headscarf this powerful meaning, it gave others the ability to see it as a negative rather than a positive (42). Consequently, resulting in her having to sit on the sidelines while watching her team play. Since the hijab is uncommon in soccer, …show more content…

This is evident in Gatineau’s regional soccer association in which they practically justify their unfair treatment towards the young girl through two significant structures: imperialism and immigration (43). In doing so, they are establishing that Western beliefs are more superior than those who are racially different. As a result, the soccer organization (the dominant group) is given the power to set the standards of what is appropriate in society which in the end singles out people like Rayane Benatti (45). Therefore, Benatti is exposing herself to stereotypes by wearing her hijab because she is not following dominant Canadian

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