
Controversy Of Mistaken Identities In Shakespeare's Merchant Of Venice

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“Out of controversy comes conversation.” (Tupac Shakur) Controversy is a common theme throughout society. There is never a lack of something controversial. Whether in the present or past, people will always question. An example of a literary controversy is the work of Shakespeare. Although serious themes exist in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, the plays use of mistaken identities, the stereotypical fool, and a happy ending categorize the play as a comedy.
One of the most comedic aspects of the play would be Shakespeare’s use of mistaken identities. In the play Portia and Nerissa are disguised as a judges clerk and doctor in Venice at Antonio’s trial. The husbands, Bassanio and Gratiano, are unaware their wives are in the room.
In act 4 scene 1 lines 294 to 299 Bassanio says to Antonio, “ I am married to a wife which is as dear to me as life itself, but life itself, my wife, and all the world are not with me esteemed above thy life. I would lose all, ay sacrifice them all her to this devil, to deliver you.” When he says this he is telling Antonio that although he loves his wife he would rather lose her to keep his dear friend. When Portia hears his comment about her she says “Your wife would give you little thanks for that if she were by to hear you make the offer. “ She expresses her distaste with his comment without giving away her disguise. The audience is able to see something the characters in the play do not. They are …show more content…

He refers to himself as Master Lancelet, act 2 scene 2 line 47 “Talk of you young master Lancelet” a term for a gentlemen. His father unknowing it’s is him and insists he does not deserve this title act 2 scene 2 line 49, “No master, sit, but a poor man’s son.” He only reveals who he is once his father asks if he is dead or alive. Lancelet” fun and trickery towards others supports the aspect of comedy in the

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