Cool Hand Luke And Shawshank Redemption Essay

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A Prisoner’s Journey Introduction A journey is often more important than the destination you reach; a popular message that is represented in both the films Cool Hand Luke and Shawshank Redemption. Both of these movies focus on the themes of determination and self worth, even while being set in the bleak lives of prisoners in high-security prisons with seemingly no hope. Still, these films create a sense of motivational drive in individuals and have even changed the lives of the people who view them. Furthermore, it is these themes that caused both of the films to gain popularity in average film goers and critics alike, reaching the status of critical acclaim and cementing themselves in the archives of cinematic history. However, both the films have their own views and paths on how they portray and send the themes to the audience. Both Shawshank Redemption and Cool Hand Luke focus on the themes of hope and determination; however, the way each film handles these messages is different and have their own individual messages to portray to the audience. Summary Shawshank Redemption, follows Andy Dufresne, a seemingly innocent former banker …show more content…

The final destination of both the films Cool Hand Luke and Shawshank Redemption is the same, freedom. However, the journey both films take are radically different, portraying varying themes, images and messages to the audience. Still, both of these films have created lasting effects both on the average film viewer and critics alike, cementing themselves into history. Whether you are following the story of Andy Dufresne, the framed banker, who plays from the shadows and has an answer for everyone, or Luke, the former veteran who wants the world to prove how wrong they are, and will do anything he can to get them to, you’ll be left feeling that there is something greater than you that needs to be