Core Classes In College Essay

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Core Classes in College In the United States, education is something that is a right to everyone with no regards to their socioeconomic status, beliefs, or views. Although education is free in the United States, the needed supplies associated with school and the classes after primary education are not. Students who make it throughout the primary years of education, such as middle school and high school, often want to continue to college. However, many colleges require at two semesters of basic courses such as mathematics, science, history, and English classes. Although many students are young people recently graduated from high school, they are required to take these courses as well. These courses are reviews from the classes taken in high school and cost as …show more content…

According to Werts, “General education courses will expose you to a wide variety of subjects, ranging from geology to anthropology to drama.” In other words, many students enter college unsure of what career path they would like to pursue after receiving their degree. However, general education courses focus primarily on classes that were required in high school. That being said, the core classes in college would be equivalent to the high school classes and not benefit the student any more than the high school classes. Students seeking guidance in which classes to pursue would find more assistance from consulting their local guidance counselors than taking core classes and struggling to find their passion on their own. In other words, there are many students who struggle to find which field to major in when first starting college. However, instead of students spending up to two semesters attempting to find the correct major for them, they could be seeking help from their local counselors rather than spending thousands of dollars on irrelevant