
Corinthians Number 10 Powerpoint

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Many great things are attached to the number sixteen; the greatest of these is love. In Corinthians, it is illustrated by sixteen characteristics of love:
1. Love is patient.
2. Love is kind.
3. Love does not envy
4. Love does not boast.
5. Love is not proud.
6. Love does not dishonor others.
7. Love is not self-seeking.
8. Love is not easily angered.
9. Love keeps no record of wrongs.
10. Love does not delight in evil.
11. Love rejoices with the truth.
12. Love always protects.
13. Love always trusts.
14. Love always hopes.
15. Love always perseveres.
16. Love never fails.

When we look at the number sixteen, its divisors are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. To find out the fullness of the number sixteen, we must also examine the essence of its divisors. …show more content…

These groups consist of several people. These people bring several personalities, paradigms, passions, and priorities. My doctor told me some time ago that I have the power to control my level of stress and it ultimately comes down to me deciding to not allow things to stress me out. I learned that when working with others that what one person may see as urgent, may not be as important to the next person. One of my mentors once said, “you are not obligated to attend every argument that you are invited to.” Decide to let the minor be the minor, and let the major be the …show more content…

With your visions, you cannot finish without faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is acting like it is so, even with it is not so, that it might be so, because God says so; but what’s more is that FAITH is STRENGTHENED through prayer. In prayer, we gain humility. In prayer, we abandon pride. In prayer, we strengthen our connection. In prayer, we find peace. All of these things are needed in order to be EFFECTIVE leaders; even more, all of these are needed in order for us to get closer to our dreams.

In order to be able to enhance the lives around you, you must first take care of yourself. In 2016, give more time to personal development. If we examine the “Bucket” concept, we have bucket fillers—those who replenish you, and we have bucket dippers—those who take from you. We must give more attention to those who “add more than they take;” notwithstanding, I believe that some people are here to purposely “dip” from your bucket so that others can replenish you. Conversely, some people “dip” with no concern about your bucket. To those people, give more room so they can find the exit.


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