
Coriolanus Research Paper

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Mokgethoa Matsoso Coriolanus Essay William Shakespeare has shown a biased side towards hierarchical society is one of his famous plays Coriolanus. A hierarchical society is when two or more eniities work together to ensure their survival within a clearly defined structure. In hierarchical society, certain social positions and statues have more prestige and importance than others. The hierarchical society also show Coriolanus as the superior of all the people of Rome. Shakespeare places Coriolanus in high stature as he often describes him as ‘noble’ and often tells us about his upbringing with a mom who is ambitious and desires the best for her son. Coriolanus is also build up to being the best thing to happen to the Romains due to all the battles he has had to endure for the empire. Furthermore, Coriolanus doesn’t find flattery appeasing because he believes in virtue and he is not a man of many words. Shakespeare positions us to think he is a man of action and bravery. Although he does not truly care for the citizens because he believes in people fighting for their country they deserve to be treated fairly because that is the way he was brought up and he calls them ‘Multidiocus heads’ which refers to them as animals. This means we are positioned to think …show more content…

He does mention he does need some advice on how to behave in front of the citizen which is where we meet his mentor, Menenius . He plays an important role in keeping both the Patricians and the Plebeians and also Coriolanus calm in serious situations. He plays a vital role in retaining a good relation with the citizen he is made out to be a spin doctor always trying to help Coriollllanus. He lures the Plebians to vote for Coriolanus to lead Rome even though Coriolanus hates the citizens but Menenius ensures that Coriolanus is seen in a good light and often goes on to tell the citizen about the sacrifices this noble warrior has done for

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