Corn Syrup Experiment

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The Effect of Corn Syrup on Potatoes Over time various items have been tested to see how osmosis affects the mass and shape. Corn Syrup is commonly used when testing the effect of osmosis on different items like eggs or potatoes. Due to the high amount of concentration in the syrup it causes osmosis to occur when objects are placed in it over an extended period of time. Scientists have experimented on different products before and have found that the items can either shrivel or expand and bust. However, this all falls back upon how much percentage corn syrup is being contributed to the amount of concentration. Since there have been many experiments that test eggs in corn syrup, changing part of the experiment to a new substance would provide more information and expand more on the field. If potatoes are placed in a lot of corn syrup then it will shrivel. By studying the effect of corn syrup on potatoes it can allow scientist to get a better understanding of osmosis. Although osmosis doesn’t just occur in vegetables; however, by using these substances as a test, it can resemble the how osmosis would work in other situations. For example, osmosis is used when preserving fruits and meats. Likewise, this experiment gives a proper demonstration on how to use osmosis to its full potential. This would help …show more content…

This main source of high concentration helps determine how the potatoes will react. There’s a range of 0-100% corn syrup being used and each one has its own way of changing the size and shape. Also, there is a control which is water; this helps to compare the results to a regular base of liquid and not a sugar substance. Along with that corn syrup had a lot of sugar that weighs in the measurements as well. By testing corn syrup it provides an accurate representation of how other foods react when being cooked with it. So in addition to finding out more about osmosis, it also benefits in