Corpus Callosotomy Theory

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Split-brain concepts have been explored for almost a century. The study has opened up many new frontiers of brain research. These new frontiers have uncovered hemispheric specialization and provided more focus on brain regions. The initial research into split-brain was due to neurologists trying to find new ways of solving neurological disorders. The first sign of split brain was in the 1940s. Dr. William P. van Wagenen introduced a technique of corpus callosotomy for treatment of refractory epilepsy. He discovered that the removal of the corpus callosum was a viable method of reducing convulsive seizures that was presented from supportive observations. He tested this theory on 10 patients that underwent the surgery. Seven of the patients that underwent treatment had satisfactory results and all patients had improvement in seizure control. However, he only partially removed the corpus callosum in his treatments. This was due to the unknown side effects of the complete removal of the corpus callosum. After Wagenen 's research, more than 20 years passed before the next clinical series. There was a revival of interest of corpus callosotomy in 1960. Roger W. Sperry and Micheal S. Gazzaniga discovered the full removal of the corpus callosum alleviated seizures. As a result of the corpus callosotomy, it had an unfortunate side effect called split-brain syndrome. This syndrome has been the cornerstone of research in hemispheric differences and is constantly being studied to this date. …show more content…

In recent years, we have discovered that the conditions of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is similar to split-brain syndrome because of agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) that resembles split-brain